Friday, October 29, 2010

To pay for investigate

I love writing and reading. That's why I would be very happy if somebody pay me for read or write about many things. I'm very interested in different art styles, cinema's theories and a lot of other subjects about aesthetic. I would be very happy if I can publish some of my articles constantly. I would write in my home and I would work in libraries. I would make enterviews to art teachers, philosofers, artist and filmakers. It's would be a dream! I will hace great moment whit people very smart. I will learn so much about many subjetcts that I don't know much. I wish that the other people see me like a smart girl too.

However I don't know how much money somebody can pay for this job. I think it's not much money. It just let me eat and pay for a place to live but it does not let me pay for another people which live with me. Somedoby like my little son for example. I would have to look for another job at the weekend.

In other way, I think it's really hard to find a good job in Chile. There aren´t many oportunities. We need a lot of work, a lot of search and a lot of luck too. Although all this problems, I think that I preffer work in a job which likes me instead a job that gives me more money but I hate it. I think that the most important thing in my life is feel myself happy.

Closing, I wish to find a job that makes me freedom, interaction and the oportunity of developing myself in the writing work. I think job must develop in the field of interest of person bacause we have to work in the field what we study.

Friday, October 22, 2010


I’m would like to meet con everybody that belongs to the old period, for example the antiquity Greek. I think that is interesting period due to far away of the century, we have little information about them, they are elementals for understand our occidental culture. Really is very surprising to discover the achievements in its institutions, in the society, in the culture, etc. If I have chosen a person this period and this place, I choose to Homer. I have several reasons for choose him.
The first is that we don’t know about him existence, only we have him poems and other documents about him from philosophers or poets, but is not sufficient to know for sure. So, I would want go to this period for to research the information that today to manage.
The last researches in England say that Homer was a women because him way of writing is more passionate and dramatic, more close to a poet women that a men poet. Is very difficult to know the true with respect to periods so far-off! This the principal reason for to want meet with Homer.
I would say to Homer that to recite him poems (the ideal would be that both we talk the same language! Spanish for example!) And I would compare with my version of the Iliada... Ah no, I would to record! Because Pisistratus change and to take out some chapters.
Would be interesting to talk about of the life in general because this useful for the understand better him period and him life. He was an educator for the Greek’s develops.
In this travel for the time, I would use for research other important questions!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Luna de día

Joust in this period i love a song that is very very beautiful. From sometime i like "luna de día" by "Los mil jinetes". I knew this song for my boyfriend. He began listening "Los futher muckers" and the vocalist this group is the vocalist of "Los mil jinetes". Really they are very good; their letter, music and the voice of Cristóbal, the vocalist. I always listen "luna de día" in the bus when i go to the university or other place. i love listen music when i walk on the street or i go some place. Specially i like this song because i think that it have philosophical shades. The song says this: "moon of day that beautiful that you are! and that useless you are, moon of day. Say me why you have been late in gonig out, see you do that stop i think about me". Like that to say the song.
The first time that listened this song was in my house and i loved in this moment! and i knew to the vocalist since a few time and is very great.
This song is very simple and it have, as i say, a philosophic tone because talk about of the contemplation and there is a relation with the artwork, why? because when i see the art i forget myself and this artwork is useless. I see this relation.
In general i like so much the music in spanish and the chilean groups.
This song i knew since a few time, before i would have say other song in spanish, probality.
"Los mil jinetes" are very great and they are play music every weeks in places very good. I recommend!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Angentina and Roma

I don't believe go to live other country, yes for the study for a long time, but always with the expectation to come back. I like Chile.
For my is very important the people if i want took in some place.
I like the Europe in general, mainly because the years of continuity that their have. That help to see better its culture or history. I Knew some european countries when young: Spain, France, Italy and Germany. In general the german people was very very great and nice, although to language and the minimum comunication. About Spain i can't talk the same... The italians are very amusing and the french people a don't know very mutch.
As i tolk, for my is very important the people, for that i would can't study in Spain,but is the language!!! Is very important that.
For me should do ideal study in Germany, but its language!
Also i would like Argentina for study. There is very great and a lot comunication with the world better more that Chile; they are more cosmopolitan.

But to travel is other thing... I would love travel every years to Argentina, Brazil, France, etc. That's countrys are beautifull, but overall i like its culture. Argentina is really great for to live and study. This would do the place that i would choose, more than some european countries. But for a cuestion of security and the beautiful, Roma is suitable for to live okay. And why not,for the study too.

Finally, i do diferences into to study or to live and to trave because the relation that we establish are diferent depends of the case. I choose Argentina for study and live the same that Roma and Spain and also very Europan for travel (obviously!).

The next year i want to travel to Buenos Aires, i have wish! i to saved money for do it this year, but i had that change the screen of my notebook!