Sunday, October 10, 2010

Luna de día

Joust in this period i love a song that is very very beautiful. From sometime i like "luna de día" by "Los mil jinetes". I knew this song for my boyfriend. He began listening "Los futher muckers" and the vocalist this group is the vocalist of "Los mil jinetes". Really they are very good; their letter, music and the voice of Cristóbal, the vocalist. I always listen "luna de día" in the bus when i go to the university or other place. i love listen music when i walk on the street or i go some place. Specially i like this song because i think that it have philosophical shades. The song says this: "moon of day that beautiful that you are! and that useless you are, moon of day. Say me why you have been late in gonig out, see you do that stop i think about me". Like that to say the song.
The first time that listened this song was in my house and i loved in this moment! and i knew to the vocalist since a few time and is very great.
This song is very simple and it have, as i say, a philosophic tone because talk about of the contemplation and there is a relation with the artwork, why? because when i see the art i forget myself and this artwork is useless. I see this relation.
In general i like so much the music in spanish and the chilean groups.
This song i knew since a few time, before i would have say other song in spanish, probality.
"Los mil jinetes" are very great and they are play music every weeks in places very good. I recommend!


  1. I did not know " Los mil jinetes ", I was looking for some recordings of them and I think that they are very good

  2. Well, as Emilio, I didn't know that group. But I know the studio when the Futher Muckers recorded 2 of their almbuns... well, i don't know the music of them...


  3. :S I didn't know about two bands... I need listen more radio or something like that because I has loose many songs and bands...

    I will listen this song Claudia.

  4. Yes Catalina, you must listen more radio. Rockaxis, Radio Uno and Rock&Pop -in my opinion- these radios put enough national music, in comparation with others.
    I like "futher muckers" but I didn't know about "los mil jinetes". Absolutly recomended Claudia!
