Friday, November 26, 2010

education for the bicentenary

Do feel annoying, deception and powerlessness is a little complicate, but feels that when we think in our country is really terrible. When I think in Chile and its educations politics, opportunities for the educations or more elemental even! In the health, I feel that I’m living in a place reserved for the high society. The education reform of Lavin, education’s minister, is very bad for the Chilean future. If that law is accept in the senate, everybody we are lost, from this moment to infinite.

I think this year, the bicentenary’s year, has been very complicate, but also I think that the government don’t has helped very much. The Chileans like to be educated and have the similar opportunities, but there are barrier very little for some people, but very significant to long period; for example the education’s laws.
The idea of Lavin is to reduce the hours of the following subjects: History and Art and increase Language and Mathematics. Is worrying to think what will happen in 10 years, when the children don’t has opinions respect to the past or they not can give to reflection respect to anything. Because is very important the history subject for to learn to think in abstract concept, for example: What is the democracy? Exist the liberty? Or questions more factual like how has change the law about education in Chile from the century XIX to today? What are the advance respect to education in school and what we must catch up? A young in 2020 don’t will know to answer this questions. Well, a young of municipal school, because a young better status will can to answer that question and very much others. I imagine a bicentenary very poor in the intellectual and to consequence that, a country quieter, lifeless, and less creative and the most important, less critic even!

What result of the preceding? Well, persons look at in to work and to eat. If today we think that we are humanists or scientific, what will happen in the future? I think in the integration of the subject, for example: the philosophy with physic, history with the development of the art or the science, etc. If we have full time in the school, we must to take advantage for to compose the subjects and not cuts its more! If we follow separating, we will be empty.

Friday, November 19, 2010

the honest writing

Today I will talk about the best post that I saw. I like the Emilio's post about the place of world that most like you. Emilio choices France and its culture and I agree with him. Also I think that his post is very honest, that's why I have learnt about his tastes. For example I know what philosopher prefers him, what music or your interest in general, while your opinion respects the event or happening. I enjoyed very much his post about France because I agree with your interests, but I confess that I haven't read to Goethe and Dante, but always I read to quotes or mentions about theirs. Yes I have read to Sade, Flaubert, Camus and Kristeva and I feel that should be interesting, very interesting! To learn french. I readied to Umberto Eco, his book: "How do the thesis?" and there Eco say the following: IS VERY NECESSARY THAT THE STUDENT THAT WANT TO DO HIS THESIS IN GERMANY'S PHILOLOGY, THE STUDENT KNOWS GERMAN. And that be can understand in other contexts. But, following with the Emilio's post, I should can say also that the Emilio's works are very clearing, transparent and very easy for read. I emphasize two question of the Emilio's post: your tastes and the clarity for explain his choices.
I enjoyed very much reading the Emilio’s post, I think that we have the similar taste and his post “France and his culture” I learnt more about him. Really he is very interesting.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Really, I don't can think in one important chilean person... Well, now my friends Francisca choose one at random and I liked! My important figure is José Victorino Lastarria Santander. He's combated against the Prieto's govern and the Constitutions of 1833. That proscribes the liberals ideas and also established like a lawful dictatorship. This personage was a revolutionary thinker. He studied any careers like geography and advocacy in the San Felipe's university, subsequently University of Chile.
He belong to the "Literary Society" (1842)and "Equality Society" (1850). That last was a group that liked finish with the Prieto's govern.
In 1859 were dean of Philosophy Faculty and state minister of the José Joaquin Pérez's gover.
Is important also because he wrote the first Chilean novel! That is Don Guillermo. It was a fantastic novel that it was talking about the conservative politics. With the Mapuche's mythology to string together. I haven't read his novel, but obviously I will do.
Also was very important the creation of the Official news paper! When was interior minister in the Aníbal Pinto's governing.
Really this personage is important for the humanities and socials science in Chile, also for the development of the country.
I dind'n know very much to Lastarria, for example I don't know his novel.
Now is very important aur Lastarria's neighborhood and is very nice!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Is a problem even the vision of the men about the woman?

Where we can to discover this question? In the art? Or maybe in every parts?

Lars von Trier is an excellent director. I saw the last movie the past year. This movie is very complex and rich for to study it. I did a work about it. But I will start to talk about the formal aspects. Antichrist is of terror movie or also drama, it has both, and its cast has to Willen Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg. And Anthony Dod Mantle did the photography.
He (Dafoe) and She (Gainsbourg) lose their children; he fall and dead. Then the protagonist leaves to a house in the woodlan for help yourself to put up the dead. In this house happen everything that start to change. He discover thing about she and she reveal.
In this context is very important the work of Dod Mantle because to gove an aesthetics like of romantic painting. For example there are similarities with Goya in the treatment of the characters.
About von Trier be have say that is a misogynist because in the general the protagonist are woman bad or stupid. But I think that he feels that the woman is more interesting... This topic (the woman are more interesting) is very old because during every history the women have be center of restrictions, accusations, beauty, etc. The men have has to say that the women is like the moon. In definitive the women for the men is a mystery, why? Because they have put their fear and traumas on the woman. Finally I believe that is necessary watch this movie because is very rich in study's elements. I recommend! But who doing more sensitive, is better watch it of day and accompanied.