Friday, November 26, 2010

education for the bicentenary

Do feel annoying, deception and powerlessness is a little complicate, but feels that when we think in our country is really terrible. When I think in Chile and its educations politics, opportunities for the educations or more elemental even! In the health, I feel that I’m living in a place reserved for the high society. The education reform of Lavin, education’s minister, is very bad for the Chilean future. If that law is accept in the senate, everybody we are lost, from this moment to infinite.

I think this year, the bicentenary’s year, has been very complicate, but also I think that the government don’t has helped very much. The Chileans like to be educated and have the similar opportunities, but there are barrier very little for some people, but very significant to long period; for example the education’s laws.
The idea of Lavin is to reduce the hours of the following subjects: History and Art and increase Language and Mathematics. Is worrying to think what will happen in 10 years, when the children don’t has opinions respect to the past or they not can give to reflection respect to anything. Because is very important the history subject for to learn to think in abstract concept, for example: What is the democracy? Exist the liberty? Or questions more factual like how has change the law about education in Chile from the century XIX to today? What are the advance respect to education in school and what we must catch up? A young in 2020 don’t will know to answer this questions. Well, a young of municipal school, because a young better status will can to answer that question and very much others. I imagine a bicentenary very poor in the intellectual and to consequence that, a country quieter, lifeless, and less creative and the most important, less critic even!

What result of the preceding? Well, persons look at in to work and to eat. If today we think that we are humanists or scientific, what will happen in the future? I think in the integration of the subject, for example: the philosophy with physic, history with the development of the art or the science, etc. If we have full time in the school, we must to take advantage for to compose the subjects and not cuts its more! If we follow separating, we will be empty.

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